Ather Energy Limited, one of India’s electric two-wheeler manufacturers, has launched a multi-language dashboard interface for its family scooter, Rizta. The scooter’s dashboard will now support 8 regional languages – Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada, making it more accessible to a wider audience and enhancing the overall riding experience. The rollout […]
Tag: Rizta scooter
Ather Energy launches Rizta scooter on Community Day
Ather Energy, one of India’s electric scooter manufacturers, today launched its family scooter, the Rizta, at the second edition of the Ather Community Day in Bengaluru. Designed and engineered as a scooter for the entire family, the Rizta prioritizes comfort, convenience, and safety. It comes with a host of new connected features to enhance the riding experience including […]